The ISO (Insurance Services Organization) has recently completed a re-analysis of Genoa Township’s fire suppression delivery system. The results of the evaluation showed a marked improvement.
The ISO, an independent company, provides information about a community’s fire risk to insurance companies. ISO rates and evaluates over 48,000 communities across the United Sates.
The ISO utilizes a rating scale of 1 to 10, with a 1 being the best rating. The rating is determined by data collected and reviewed regarding emergency communications, water supply, and the fire department. The improved rating places Genoa Township in the top 7% of fire departments in the country.
What does this mean for our residents?
Insurance companies utilize these classifications in determining commercial and homeowner’s premiums. In general, the cost of fire insurance in a community with a low classification is lower than a community with a higher one, assuming all factors are equal.
Genoa Township’s rating reduced form a 5:9 to a 3:3X. The 1st number in a split classification applies to properties within 5 road miles of a fire station and 1,000 feet of a hydrant. The 2nd number is the class that appliers to properties within 5 road miles of a fire station but beyond 1,000 feet of a hydrant.
Once the data is entered into insurance companies system, homeowners should contact their carrier to seek a reduction in premium. Again, not all, but most carriers use ISO classifications.
Genoa Township Fire has been diligent in seeking a reduction to this rating. Gary Honeycutt, Fire Chief
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